Name of the programme or dotation: Development of scientific journals
Task name: Development of the “Études et Travaux” journal
Co-financed: 51,339.00 PLN
Total value: 51,339.00 PLN
Task description: The aim of this task is to improve the quality of editorial and publishing work and to maintain the highest standards of objective evaluation of submitted paper proposals by means of linguistic review of manuscripts by native speakers, verification of the correctness of footnotes and reference lists, implementation of plagiarism checking software and software for managing editorial work, and generation of DOI identifiers for accepted papers. This task also aims to improve the visibility of the articles published in Études et Travaux, to boost the frequency with which they are cited, and to improve the position of the journal in international databases by increasing the number of printed copies of the journal, and by updating, translating and linguistically checking the content of the English version of the journal’s website.